Sunday, August 19, 2007

A change in pace

Well, since we last went to Texas, a lot has happened. I think the biggest change was we've decided to continue with the NAM here in L.A. I don't like the doctors as much, but it just got to be too much for everybody to handle, including me. So we went to get her new "retainer" on Thursday at CHLA. It was a 4 HOUR appointment! Kiera was asking every 5 minutes if we were ready to go. She finally got a hold of some of the steri strips, and spent about 30 minutes putting on HER baby doll's retainer. The nurses and doctors were quite amused by it Mark had to hold Savannah as they stuck fingers, probes, mirrors and retainers in her mouth for about an hour and a half. Mark's been awsome and I am really glad he was there to help get us all through it. I don't know what I would do without him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is such a long time to be in a doctors office. Especially for a 4 year old. That is so cute that Kiera was putting a retainer on her doll. How is the new retainer different from the one she already has? I am glad that Mark is able to go with you to the appointment. I know how much it helps to have your husband there with you. Especially when your child is going through something painful. It is nice to have the emotional support!