Sunday, July 29, 2007

Kiera turned WHAT?

I can't believe my baby's turning 4, but it's true. It's been four years now since our lives really started, and looking back at it, we've loved every minute of it. This year we had the "bright" idea of doing a beach party and couldn't have picked a worse day to do it. It seems like nobody could make it, and there was a 45 minute line just to get in the beach. Once you Were in you had an indefinate wait for a parking spot, only to be greeted by blasting winds. BUT all in all it was a ton of fun. We roasted weenies, had caked and made s'mores. The kids didn't seem to mind the wind, so we tried not to also. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIERA!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Kiera.
Love, Hayley

Rebecca said...

It's that time of year I think. Our bunch of monkeys will all be turning 4 this year. Grace, Hayley, Samuel, Kiera, Timmy, and Ella...
Happy Birthday Kiera!